We all have dreams, big things we want to do. We know how hard it can be to keep going after those big dreams when failure strikes, setbacks occur or something gets in our way. In this book, these 30 successful women share how they did whatever it took to DO BIGGER!
Build the bridge between your dreams and reality!
This book is a culmination of years of hard work from women who are industry leaders and experts who have created the lives and businesses of their dreams!! Getting your hands on this book sooner than most is a great competitive advantage to have.
Why do we want you to secure your copies ASAP?
30 Authors
Actionable Strategies
Awesome Community
Expert women from around the world sharing their wisdom.
Learn actionable strategies that you can implement right away to see results.
You're not only getting a book, you become a part of an awesome community.
In her spiritual life, for more than 15 years, Nancy has studied various metaphysical and holistic methods. She earned an associate degree in metaphysics, which includes the study of the application of universal laws. She is a certified Diamond Light Priestess, certified energy healer, certified LightWorker, as well as a spiritual minister. She also a certified soul coach. All these studies and experiences have provided her the ability to help people transform into the beautiful soul that the are.
In her corporate life, she had over 30 years IT experience in areas of IT Asset Management, Project Management, Application Development. She's earned her MBA, and an Associate in Accounting.

What her friends know about Nancy:

  * She's into sustainability, permaculture, and organic.
  * Her favorite vacation MUST include a spa
  * She's lived in the Midwest all her life.
  * She's a Gemini with at least two personalities.
  * She makes sure she learns something new each year.
  * She loves to read. Spiritual Books, JD Robb & Nora Roberts (need some fun time)
  * She tries to spend as much time as she can with her grandchildren
Nancy Rose has always been told she has a unique gift of hearing to identify if people are totally aligned in body, mind, and spirit. This helps her coach them into going deeper into themselves to find what still needs to be heard.

She's been described as "determined" and "straightforward" by those that know her. Her determination along with her ability to scale challenges provides an approach to inspire others to fulfill their dreams and find freedom.
About The Author
  • Dreaming Big changes your brain so you notice more opportunities
  • Dreaming Big shifts your focus to solutions rather than problems
  • When you aim really high, there is less competition
Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone!
  • Drop all limiting beliefs
  • Eliminate self sabotage
  • Banish imposter syndrome
  • Really focus on what it takes to take the BIGGER steps!
Do you wish you could...
NOW is your time to start!
Why should you Dream Big and Do Bigger:
  • So you can live life without regrets
  • You will help Inspire other along your journey
  • Its where the magic happens
  • Learn to have faith in yourself
  • Dreaming BIG will help you find meaning and purpose in your life
30 Experts. Life Changing Lessons
Going small is easy and boring, but doing BIGGER requires stepping out of your
comfort zone, leaning into your feminine power and gaining knowledge, investing in
yourself, understanding the importance of never giving up on your dream.
If you're a woman who is ready to lean into your feminine power and gain knowledge, invest in
yourself, understand the importance of never giving up on your dream, now is your chance to learn from all these experts.